Writing Prayers For Our Earth with Debora Seidman
Join together to create a sacred circle where we will write prayers to help heal all life on earth.
Each gathering is held as a Ceremony for healing, an opportunity for you to write a prayer in your own words. Giving voice to the deepest prayers of your heart is healing, empowering, and rejuvenating. You’ll be uplifted out of your own fear and despair and reminded of what is possible for humanity in these transformational times.
TJC member Debora Seidman is an award-winning playwright and poet who has been teaching writing as a spiritual, healing practice since 1996. She first offered Writing Prayers For The Earth in 2010 in response to a call from Lakota Elders for us to pray for Mother Earth after a major oil spill. She revived them in the summer of 2023, the hottest summer on record.
Writing Prayers For Our Earth circles happen once a month. For more information and to register, please see https://deboraseidman.com/programs/writing-prayers-for-our-earth/
Upcoming Dates
Sunday, April 6th, 2025
2- 4 pm MT on Zoom. All are welcome, whether or not you consider yourself a writer.
The earth needs our prayers. Your words, written with sacred intention, make a difference.