The Taos Jewish Center is...
Dedicated to fostering a positive Jewish identity by providing programs and services that enrich the lives of the people it serves in Northern New Mexico.
The TJC is open to all who wish to participate in experiences that reflect and incorporate Jewish ethics, culture, and observances.
The Taos Jewish Center is not only open to, but encourages diverse forms of Jewish practice, and we have no single affiliation -- we are not orthodox, nor reform, nor reconstructionist, nor conservative; we are all of those things, and SO MUCH MORE.
Come join us and embrace the diversity and multiplicity of Judaism as practiced by those in our community.
A Message from Our Rabbi:
“Israel and the Jewish people are facing a crisis the likes of which we have not seen since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Please join us as we address the unfolding situation in the Middle East, and offer our support to Israel and all who seek peace.”